The Polish Competition Block 1
Szczecin European Film Festival 2014: 05.10.2014, Sunday, 11:30
Kino Zamek, Korsarzy 34 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: Competition
- Echoes Course27'
Echoes Course
Production: Poland 2014A contemplative documentary and part of the Commonheavens project, which – in the authors' words – talks “about life in the inlands, about being there, silence and the place without name”. The film opens with a foggy shot, from which a quote emerges. The shot changes: the next one is crisp, colourful. It disappears in the emptiness, and another appears. It is a world beyond time. This filmic meditation closes and opens with the quote: “For whom emptiness is possible, for those everything is possible. For whom emptiness is not possible, for those everything is not possible.”
- Enrichment11'
EnrichmentProduction: Poland 2014The term enrichment denotes activities that aim to provide captive animals with the stimuli necessary for correct psychophysical development. As one zoo staff member in the films says: “So that they don't succumb to routine.” The most popular methods of enrichment include diversification of the feeding process (i.e. making it more difficult – so that the food does not jump directly into the animals' throats), training, playing music and sounds of nature, and even film screenings. The film features staff members of the ZOO in Wrocław, the city's inhabitants, and visitors.
- Matter of State3'
Matter of State
Production: Poland / Germany 2014An experimental short focusing on the changing environment that we inhabit: from nature's bosom to a world of technology. A split screen, replicating the portrayal of the same person in a woodland and an urban environment; it tests our perception by showing what became paradoxically natural for the Western man: the rejection of Nature, and unrestrained faith in technology. This rejection is probably irreversible.
- Polska za 20 lat1' 30''
Polska za 20 lat / Poland 20 yers from now
Production: Poland 2013Warsaw in 2032 is fallowed farmland. An elderly ex-celebrity, known from such films as “Snow White and Russian Red” and “Lejdis,” tells us how this came to be. The actor is repairing some kind of archaic lamp and talking about how Polish politicians obstinately acted in such a way that even the excessively lenient EU lost its patience. Even the everlasting Palace of Culture and Science finally became overgrown with grass.
- Szpila30'
Production: Poland 2014The vigorous Szpila is a single mother to twin girls diagnosed with autism. Szpila does everything to introduce joy and hope into her family life. Love is already there. The protagonist trains, sings songs written for her daughters, seeks medical solutions. She cries when it's necessary. She laughs whenever it's possible. Szpila's efforts and energy are to bring about the best.
- Zasada piąta18'
Zasada piąta / Fifth rule
Production: Polska 2013In the wild woods, on a forgotten hill there is a shepherd's hut, wherein several outsiders took residence. Each of them struggles with different problems – they are escaping reality, doing penance, waiting for a better tomorrow. But time there comes to a halt; another cigarette, coffee, and again the lingering, and soon it'll be time to herd the sheep. The observation of unusual protagonists lets us believe that – to paraphrase the Polish rock classic – the blue sky is all they need.
Associated artists
- Adrian Łapczyński
Adrian Łapczyński, born in Kraków in 1988, is a director and a creator of the young generation. He has been expanding his experience since 2008, when his debut was awarded by the President. Since that time he has repeatedly been a laureate of Polish and international film festivals. He received, among others, the prestigious Wojciech Jerzy Has Film Award and the Minister of National Education Award.
Adrian Łapczyński's works are characterised by a dynamic, compact form, an expressive message, and a perfect combination of picture and sound. He specialises primarily in short films. He is the owner of an agency that produces advertising films.
„Legal culture in Europe” – 2013
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„Save Energy” – 2012
“The Way” – 2012
“Schizophrenia” – 2012
“WrocLove” - 2012 - Alicja Stasiak
Alicja Stasiak. Would-be astronaut, director by choice, painter by calling. Has experience in therapeutic work, graduated from resocialisation. Always interested in man and the demons they struggle with. Currently working on the play Rodowód kobiety, inspired by the White Goddess motif, as well as on a film adaptation of The Little Mermaid.
2014 Fuga D
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2013 Zasada piąta
2013 Nie patrzę
2012 Ul - Ewa Golis
Ewa Golis – 4th-year student of Editing at the Direction Faculty of the National Film School in Łódź. She fulfills her interests and passion by editing documentary films and making her own documentaries, where by means of a video camera she tells extraordinary stories of the protagonists. In her films she depicts, with great sensitivity, their worlds, problems, and environments wherein they live and function everyday. She associates her professional future with producing and editing documentary films that are more complete in their form, both according to her own ideas and in cooperation with other directors. The films of Ewa Golis are deeply engaged socially. In 2010 she produced a short documentary entitled Zwyczajni, where the camera was operated by the participants of her film workshops, wards of the Self-Help Centre for the Disabled in Podkowa Leśna.
Szpila (30 min), documentary, 2014
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Pata (9 min), feature, 2012
Zwyczajni (10 min), documentary, 2009
Dwa bieguny sztuki (12 min), documentary, 2008 - Joan Leandre
Born in Barcelona, currently residing in Wrocław. Co-founder of The Observatory Archives ( and media interpreter. In his work he focuses on the analysis, translation, and permutation of modern media. His laboratory activities reference areas that encompass analogue video, worldwide video networks transmitting an excess of video, as well as “reversed software.” He has presented his projects during Ars Electronica, Transmediale, The Whitney Biennial, The Seoul Biennial, and The Moscow Biennial, among other events.
Comonheavens Project Series 2010 - 2014 (...)
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Paralax Paradox video series 2009 - 2014 (...)
Trap Interiors Series 2009 - 2013
In the Name of Kernel Series 2006 - 2014 (...)
Babylon Archives Series 2001 - 2005
President Archives 2001
TV Code Series 1998 - 1999
Analog Tapes Series 1995 - 1995 - Maja Wolińska
Lives in Wrocław. Heads classes at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, Department of Media Arts. In her works she uses video as a medium. Her recent productions reference popular urban locations doomed to fade away and blur meanings and relations. Locations lasting in tension between a state of disintegration and permanent updating.
Comonheavens Project Series, 2010 - 2014 (...)
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Bermudzki Sen (Seria), 2010 - 2014
To, co zostaje, 2014
Das Stein, 2013
X, 2013
Low Poly Eden, 2011-2012
Cisza, 2010
MÄ cze CiÄ (Seria), 2003 - 2005 - Marcin Strauchold
Marcin Strauchold – born in 1989 in Wrocław. Graduated from Spanish studies at the University of Wrocław. Currently a student of the Direction Faculty at the National Film School (PWSFTviT) in Łódź.
„Enrichment”, 2014r.
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„Wstyd”, 2013r.
„Maluj z tego”, 2013r. - Teresa Otulak
Born in 1992 in Szczecinek. Student of Multimedia at the Szczecin Academy of Art. Author of experimental shorts, animations, installations and collages.
Her works have been presented in International Art-House Film Festival „On The Timeline”, Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emmanuela Ringelbluma, VideoART vol. 4 – Młode Wilki Akademii Sztuki – 22. dokumentART, UpsideArt Weekend vol. 1 in Szczecin, Galeria Sztuki Dawnej Muzeum Narodowego, Galeria Władysława Hasiora.Filmography:
Powidok, 2013
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Syndrom KZ, 2014
Matter of state, 2014
how to get there
- 11:30 - 13:30, Kino Zamek, The Polish Competition Block 1
- 14:00 - 16:00, Kino Zamek, The Polish Competition Block 2
- 14:00 - 16:00, Ośrodek Teatralny Kana, The Fourth Dimension of Europe: Young German Cinema - Festival im StadtHafen Rostock
- 16:00 - 17:30, Kino Zamek, The Best Films in the World
- 17:00 - 01:00, Český film, Tribute to Robin Williams
- 18:30 - 21:30, Filharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie, Awards Ceremony: hosted by Konrad Pawicki